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7 Common Mistakes to Avoid During Job Interview in Thailand

Job interviews are always a big thing. You have a lot in your mind and want to impress your interviewer as much as you can. You might prepare for some common interview questions but what you totally forget about is other aspects. These are some of the most common mistakes that a candidate can make, and they often result in a poorly conducted interview.

interview mistakes for job in thailand

Mistake No.1 Not doing any Preparation

One of the first mistakes is not being prepared for the interview. It’s important to be well rested and have a good understanding of what the company does before you walk into an interview.

When it comes to the interview, preparation is key. Preparation on what you want to say and how you want to present yourself will help you feel less anxious and more confident. You should have a plan before going into the interview. This includes your attire, answers to possible questions, and anything else that might make the day easier for you.

There are also many common mistakes that candidates make during interviews such as being late, dressing inappropriately, or not making eye contact with the interviewer.

Mistake No.2 Not Following Up

The last mistake is waiting too long before following up after an interview. Candidates should generally follow up within 24 hours if they want to hear about their status for the position.

Reaching Late at Interview 

We all know interviewing can be a difficult process. It is because of this, some people might feel nervous if they go late to their interview. It is important that you understand how to turn up late in an interview.

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If you are running late and you don’t want your interviewer to think badly of you, it is best that you tell them upfront about the situation. If there is not enough time for an interview, try finding out when your next available time slot will be and notify them about this also.

Mistake No.3 Having no Question for Interviewer

In the interview process, asking no questions is a sign of being unprepared and can also be perceived as uninterested in the job.

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Asking no questions during an interview could possibly disqualify you from the position. It would show that you didn't put any effort into researching the company or about their culture.

Mistake No.4 Poor Body language

In a typical interview, the interviewer will ask questions to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the job. An interviewer who performs poorly during an interview is likely to get rejected from their job application. What your body language says about you can be critical to your success in interviews and therefore, it is important that you are mindful of it during interviews.

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The candidate needs to not only think about what they are saying but also how they say it in order to figure out how influential their body language can be on an interviewer.

Mistake No.5 Bad Mouthing Your Past Employer

In a typical interview, the interviewer will ask questions to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the job. An interviewer who performs poorly during an interview is likely to get rejected from their job application. What your body language says about you can be critical to your success in interviews and therefore, it is important that you are mindful of it during interviews.

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The candidate needs to not only think about what they are saying but also how they say it in order to figure out how influential their body language can be on an interviewer.

Mistake No.6 Lack of Self Confidence

low self confidence in job interview thailand is a mistake

It is important that you are confident of your skills and talent during an interview, else you won’t be able to make any impact. Self-confident people are more likely to take risks and make mistakes, which can help them grow. These mistakes can be seen as failures, but they should not think of it this way at all. They should see it as a learning process that will lead them to success in the near future.

Lacking self-confidence in an interview is a common problem among job seekers. They believe that interviewers are evaluating their work ethic, personality and qualifications based on what they say instead of what they do.

Mistake No. 7 Not Listening But Talking all the time

The job interview is a delicate atmosphere and it is important to know how to conduct yourself in this environment.

The interview can be the best opportunity you have to get the job or opportunity you have been looking for. So, it is always important that you are on your toes and listen more than you talk.

Not listening but talking in an interview could lead to your downfall if you are not able to take note of what the interviewer says or if they find it difficult to understand what you say as well.

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