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Surviving the ‘First Job’: Tips for Saudi Arabian Graduates

With that cap and gown neatly tucked away and your degree in hand, you might think the hard part is over. Think again. Transitioning from academia to the professional world in Saudi Arabia can be a roller-coaster ride full of challenges and learning curves. But fear not, I've compiled some survival tips to help you navigate the tricky waters of your first job and come out on top.

Know Your Rights

One of the first things you should do is familiarize yourself with labor laws in Saudi Arabia. Understanding your rights and obligations can set the tone for a healthy work environment. For instance, Saudi labor laws stipulate conditions for probation periods, work hours, and annual leave, among other things. Being informed is the first step toward ensuring you're treated fairly.

Adapt to the Company Culture

Every company has its own unique culture. Understanding this culture is essential to blending in and being successful. Observe how colleagues interact, dress, and even how they take their coffee. Being able to adapt and respect the work culture not only makes you more likable but also shows that you're a team player.

Build Your Network

Your first job is not just a place to earn money; it's also a place to meet people who can help you grow professionally. Don't be shy. Attend company events, participate in team-building activities, and introduce yourself to people in different departments. Networking can open doors to future opportunities and provide you with valuable mentors.

Keep Learning

Remember that graduation was just the beginning of your education journey. Your first job will likely expose you to real-world challenges that you didn't encounter in school. Be proactive in acquiring new skills, whether it's a software program your company uses or effective communication techniques. Ongoing learning can make you a more valuable asset to your team.

Work-Life Balance

Starting a new job can be overwhelming, and you might find yourself clocking in extra hours to make a good impression. While dedication is admirable, remember that burnout is real. Make sure to allocate time for yourself and your loved ones. A balanced life can significantly impact your productivity and happiness at work.

Handle Criticism Well

Feedback, both positive and negative, is an inevitable part of professional life. Take constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve. If you disagree with the feedback, try to understand the other perspective instead of getting defensive. Learning how to handle criticism can go a long way in your professional development.

Save and Plan

Finally, getting your first paycheck is exciting, but it's important to have a financial plan. Start by setting aside a portion of your salary for savings. Consider contributing to a retirement fund or investing in a diversified portfolio. Being financially savvy early on can set you on the path to a secure future.

Set SMART Goals

Another critical aspect of surviving and thriving in your first job is setting SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The concept of SMART goals isn't just corporate jargon; it's a practical approach to ensure that you're constantly progressing in your career.


Vague goals like "I want to do well" or "I want to get promoted" don't offer a clear path for action. Instead, set specific goals. For example, aim to lead a team project within the first six months.


Make your goals measurable so you can track your progress. If your goal is to improve your technical skills, you could measure this by the number of new programs you learn to use proficiently.Also read: Empowering Women in Saudi Workplace


Setting lofty goals can lead to disappointment and burnout. Make sure your goals are achievable with your current resources and within your job scope.


Your goals should align with your career path and the needs of your organization. Irrelevant goals can divert your focus and energy from what really matters.


A goal without a timeframe is just a dream. Set realistic deadlines to keep yourself motivated and accountable.

By setting SMART goals, you can bring focus and direction to your job. It also provides a framework for discussions with your supervisor about your career development, giving them a clearer picture of your ambitions and what support you might need to achieve them.


Surviving your first job in Saudi Arabia may seem daunting, but remember that it's a journey full of opportunities for growth and learning. From knowing your rights and adapting to company culture to networking, maintaining work-life balance, handling criticism well, and setting SMART goals, you have a multitude of strategies to not only survive but thrive in your first job. So, put on your best professional attire and step into the world of work with confidence. Good luck, and may your first job be the stepping stone to a fulfilling career.


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